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Team/Travel Managers

Information for Managers

*This page still under construction*

Each year, JDIA looks for parents from each tier to serve as Team Managers.  The Team Managers are determined by the Head Coach.  Team Managers assist coaches with fund raising, tracking team jerseys, and travel team logistics.  More than one parent can serve as Team Manager.  The Head Coach must notify the JDIA Registrar of their selected Team Manager so their name can be included in the Registrar’s data base.  Team Managers will be listed on the Travel Team Rosters.  This parent volunteer works with the Registrar to ensure all necessary documentation for travel team credentials and travel permits are in order and with the JDIA Treasurer to ensure fundraising and budget items are accounted for.  All team managers are required to complete SafeSport and background screening.  Costs associated are reimbursable by the board.  Please submit a receipt to our Treasurer.